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Two new useful links : Digital Identity and Search for Stolen or Lost Documents

Thanks to our Webmaster Sergio Valente we have introduced me to the section LINK UTILI- Legal Utilities two new links that will come in handy at this time of intense use of smart working and teleworking online

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Lockdown and knockdown of non-residential leases at the time of the covid-19

We welcome the contribution of fellow lawyer Andrea Bulgarelli of Modena on the current issue of suspension and reduction of the rent in non-residential leases

ATTACHED: A. Bulgarelli Lockdown and knockdown .....pdf

Da oggi ci potete raggiungere anche su Skype

In attesa che le limitazioni alla libera circolazione cessino e che riprenda l’attività giudiziaria congelata dalle recenti normative emanate dal governo per affrontare l’emergenza sanitaria Coronavirus, lo Studio Legale Pescarollo sarà raggiungibile anche via Skype che permette di effettuare gratuitamente oltre a videochiamate anche trasferimenti di documenti e files con facilità e sicurezza dal vostro smartphone o computer all' indirizzo Skype: marco.pescarollo


The meteorological service does not hinder the passenger's right to compensation

The snowfall forecast by The decision under consideration concerns the question of whether a heavy snowfall is forecast by the meteorological service at the airport of departure it can be considered an exceptional circumstance

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ATTACHED: la-nevicata-prevista-dal-servizio-meteorologico-non-ostacola-il-diritto-del-passeggero-al-risarcimento.pdf

Vehicle purchase with less towing capacity than stated by manufacturer

Comment to the decision of the Judge of Peace of Busto Arsizio (Va) nr 576 2019 who held the solidarity responsibility of the dealer and the importer of the vehicle sold with a rival towing capacity inferred inferred according to the reported in the sales brochures

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ATTACHED: Compravendita autoveicolo privo della capacita di traino reclamizzata.pdf

Liquidation of the compensation of the ctu and its auxiliary

Comment to the order of the Padua Tribunal 8.10.2019 nr 6456 entitled Liquidation of the compensation of the ctu and its auxiliary

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ATTACHED: liquidazione-del-compenso-del-ctu-e-del-suo-ausiliario Diritto it 19 dic 2019.pdf